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I’m down

Some of us are tormented by so-called psychological problems. We suffer from crippling malaises or a loss of control of our own lives. Magazines, websites, society, all promote our wellbeing along with the recipes and advices to reach it, which further strengthens the malaise of those who fail to reach this modern Grail.

Whatever the approach and its purpose, we all try to get rid of a latent suffering. Who did not embark on the diet what’s-its-name, follow the reflexive-introspective-acoustic-therapy with the best will in the world, practise positive thinking, learn to let-go or, more seriously, followed a therapy approved by medical or psychological authorities, to finally fall back into one’s usual problems? Besides, our lives take place in a difficult reality. We are confronted with the dramas of existence, work problems, injustice, diseases and mourning.

Of course we are all ready to feel sorry for our fellowman psychological problems, to recognize their causes and pity him. But in the course of the discussion, we quickly utter: “why don’t you do this” or “have you tried that”? Our fellowman baffles, obviously he thought about it too, he has long suffered from his problems and knows them all too well. Yet he cannot get rid of them. He does not have the slightest strength to solve them. This is convenient: since he ignores our advices he only has what he deserves, and we can talk about other things.

Obviously life is hard, we all know that, but shouldn’t we distinguish between what depends on us and what does not, to at least try to improve our lot? This becomes more acute in the present society, which emphasizes responsibility and freedom, and claims that much depends on us. Among recognized psychological diseases, small depressions, latent malaises, lack of will and confrontation with the world, what do we master exactly?

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