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There are moments in life when you feel you can’t be worse. From one day to the next, you are plunged into such lethal thoughts that a definitive solution seems almost relieving. In my case I was assailed by a sudden and violent crisis of hypochondria.

I was convinced I was struck by an incurable cancer, and that my imminent death was certain. The sense of urgency is such then that you do not even imagine help is still possible. Like many people, I had tried several therapists, sometimes with some success. But then you feel so bad you would wish for a more “pragmatic”, a more concrete and targeted approach.

I began to surf on the web as one would go to a fortune-teller and was lucky enough to fall on the structural analysis website. Sceptic at the beginning, the novelty and the originality of the approach eventually convinced me. Phone conversations began.

One month later – only should say – an extremely unexpected vision of my life and its links with my problems had established itself, alongside with a marked decrease in my symptoms. Structural analysis has been an extremely precious ally in gaining this battle.

Monsieur G.O., Suisse