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I have a situation a lot of people would envy, but which had come not to be able to bear any more. The consciousness to make something that I do not like, combined to the moral duty to make well what I had undertaken, made me the incredible life to the work.

This situation had become ever more difficult to manage with time. I felt harassed, incapable to fill the requirements imposed on me, to be as high as what was expected of me. I could not bear the idea to hold inatteignables objectives any more, with for only result the prospect of new objectives even more beyond my reach.

It is when I began to intend to leave my work that I took some sessions of structural Analysis.

Today not only I am well, but what is more important there, is that what touched me before, the obligation to work without reward, and what provoked so much anger in me, does not affect me at all any more. Better still: I notice that I had completely integrated this obligation, and that I was reproducing it in my behavior towards the others.

Structural Analysis not only freed me from my ill-being in the work, but also made me aware of this behavior in me, and thus allowed to change my behavior and my relations to others. This transformation occurred overnight. Today I can go to the work without anger, and I have the feeling to have won both at the human level and at the professional level.

Mr Th.F., France